Fereydoun Taslimi

Founder, Senscorscall


Fereydoun Taslimi started his first venture in 1976 developing one the earliest Farsi micro-computer systems when he was a graduate student at Georgia Tech, the company later was acquired, and he went on to found a number of companies in


Fereydoun Taslimi started his first venture in 1976 developing one the earliest Farsi micro-computer systems when he was a graduate student at Georgia Tech, the company later was acquired, and he went on to found a number of companies in various areas of technologies including, smart switches, interactive voice response systems, knowledge management, information discovery, network monitoring and security. One went public, several failed and two were subsequently were acquired after successful growth. Presently he is the founder of Sensorscall, developing an IOT/AI based solutions for aging in place market.